Routine Examination
Regular dental examinations are recommended every 6 months. This includes:
Extra-oral examination of your saliva glands
Full dental examination including base charting
Assessment of the Temperomandibular joint and tooth surface loss.
Full periodontal assessment (exam of the gums)
Oral cancer screening
Radiographs (x-rays) if needed
Photos- Our state of the art intraoral camera will take pictures of all your teeth from inside your mouth. We will then show you which teeth need treatment. This will help you understand why certain treatments are needed
Bite analysis
Saliva production / dry mouth
*Dental disease never cures itself. The longer you leave treatment, the more difficult it will be to do – creating more work, greater discomfort and increased cost. So, having a six monthly check-up is the best option!

Dental Hygiene
Merrion Road Dental will show you the best way to care for your gums. We will assess the health of your gums, assess the plaque build up, the areas that you find difficult to clean and give you thorough instructions on how to maintain a healthy mouth. We will advise:
Type of toothbrush, how to brush
How to floss
How to use Interdental brushes
Mouthwash types
How to clean around your orthodontic appliances effectively
How to clean your wisdom teeth effectively
How to deal with dry mouth
Links between gum disease and smoking
Links between gum disease and health problems
*Cleaning: A general scale and polish is normally sufficient for most people. A scale and polish involves removing the plaque and caulcus build up (hardened plaque) from your teeth. Once the scale is completed, we will use our powerful pain free “air polisher” to help remove stains more effectively and give a very fresh feeling. A deeper ‘subgingival’ clean (see below) may be needed but this will be discussed with the patient after a full periodontal examination.
Treatment Of Periodontal disease (Gum disease)
Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that results in more severe damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. This can result in recession of the gum and bone loss. In the worst cases, teeth are lost.
Why do patients get gum disease
Our mouths are full of bacteria. These bacteria, along with mucus and other particles, constantly form a sticky, colorless “plaque” on teeth. Good oral hygiene techniques and regularly scales from the dentist will remove this plaque. Plaque that is not removed can harden and form “calculus” that brushing doesn’t clean. Only a professional cleaning by a dentist or a dental hygienist can remove tartar.
If the “calculus” is not removed, it will attract more plaque and bacteria which will lead to inflammation of the gums. The gums will become swollen, appear more red and bleed easily. This build up of plaque and calculus will eventually lead to recession of the gum and bone loss.
Root debridement ( deep clean)
This usually requires multiple visits and local anaesthetic will usually be given to ensure the procedure is pain free. The plaque and calculus build up below your gums will be removed. Strict oral hygiene instructions will be given.
Regular monitoring and scales will be required as periodontal disease needs a very good maintenance programme.

Fissure Sealants
Fissure sealants are a preventative dental treatment where a material is placed in the pits and fissures of your molar or premolar teeth to prevent dental decay. These teeth are the most prone to decay as we use these teeth for chewing. It is recommended that fissure sealants are placed on your molar teeth as soon as they erupt at age 6/7.
It is a simple, straightforward procedure where no anaesthetic is required and fissure sealants can be placed on all 4 first molars in 1 visit if suitable.

Restorations (Fillings)
Fillings are placed when there is decay in a tooth or a tooth has fractured due to wear/tear/trauma. Fillings are usually placed under local anaesthetic but sometimes no anaesthetic will be required. The dentist will advise you of this before treatment is started. We use only white fillings at Merrion Road Dental to give the optimum aesthetic result.
*We are a mercury free practice and we have strict safety protocols used for amalgam removals, including high volume suction and rubber dam. We use good quality composite which gives an excellent aesthetic result.
Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic treatment)
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment involves removing the nerve from your tooth. People often worry about this procedure but here at Merrion Road Dental we can assure you it is usually a straight forward painless procedure.
Why Root canal treatment?
If the nerve is dead then it must be removed as it can cause an infection and a swelling. This can happen due to decay, truama, general wear, fracture.
Usually carried out over 2 visits.
We access the nerve through the core of the tooth.
We clean, shape and enlarge the roots. A filling material is placed into each root.
Usually a crown is required following root canal treatment to strengthen the tooth.
*We recommend to place a crown on all posterior teeth that have been root canal treated within 6 months to increase the long term prognosis of the tooth.
How will you feel post root canal treatment?
Patients may feel some pain for short while post root canal treatment. A painkiller may be required as the tooth settles down. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are the most commonly prescribed painkillers. A discomfort is normal but if this continues, please be ensure to contact.
Dentures are a removable appliance. They are suitable when a patient is missing any number of teeth. It is a simple solution and often the choice for many patients as its very straightforward treatment. Dentures can be placed directly after an extraction so you never need to worry about being left with a gap.
Acrylic (Pink)
Acrylic dentures are suitable no matter how many teeth you are missing. An acrylic denture can be placed directly after extractions or at anytime throughout a patient’s lifetime if there is a space.
Metal (Cobalt –chromium)
This type of denture is usually thinner than the acrylic denture and has a more intimate fit with the gums. A metal denture requires other teeth to help with retention.
*We provide a next day (24hour) repair or addition service for dentures.

Sportsguards/Night splints
This involves taking an impression and they can be fabricated within 24hrs. Any person that grinds their teeth at night should consider a night splint.
TMJ Pain, Teeth Grinding and Headaches
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders are a group of painful conditions that affect the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. TMJ pain often leads to symptoms that can become chronic and difficult to manage. People with TMJ disorders may exhibit a variety of symptoms including:
Pain in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joint
Radiating pain in the face, jaw or neck
Headaches or Migraines
Grinding of teeth
Jaw muscle stiffness
Aching pain in and around the ears
Difficulty chewing or discomfort while chewing
Limited movement or locking jaw
Painful clicking, popping or grinding in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
A change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together

Snore Guards
The best way to improve your sleep and prevent snoring is by using mouthpieces that have been designed for the perfect fit. We work alongside excellent dental technicians to provide a custom fit appliance that does just that.