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Sedation Dentistry

Merrion Road Dental has a special interest in treating nervous dental patients.

dental phobia

Dental phobia is one of the most common phobias worldwide.

Does the fear of attending the dentist turn you off attending on a regular basis?

If the answer is yes to this then we can help by offering sedation.

irish dentistry awards

Our Dental Sedation Service

Merrion Road Dental provides the professional, clinical environment for patients to receive dental sedation.

The sedation service at Merrion Road Dental is far more comprehensive than that typically encountered in dental practice.

We work with a dedicated consultant anaesthetist to provide I.V. sedation to allow full comfort during treatment. We are one of the few general dentists in the country with access to I.V. sedation in a hospital setting.

What is Dental Sedation?

I.V Sedation: involves administering a sedative drug through a vein. It works very quickly and induces a state of deep relaxation and a feeling of not being bothered by what’s going on.

ORAL: To help patients feel relaxed a small amount of diazepam can be prescribed and taken an hour before a dental appointment. It is well documented that this helps patients relax and face dental treatment with more ease.


Why choose Sedation Dentistry ?

  • It will help patients who have a fear of the dentist, patients who do not like the noises or have a fear of needles.

  • The patient will be stress free at all times.

  • You remain conscious during conscious sedation. You will also be able to understand and respond to requests from your dentist.

  • However, you may not remember much (or anything at all) of the dental treatment afterwards.

  • I.V Sedation will allow you to dream while we work. You will be awake but fully relaxed. You will wake up fresh with a healthy smile.

  • You can have all or most of your dental treatment completed in 1 visit.

Who administers I.V Sedation?

Our anaesthetist is dedicated solely to managing your sedation throughout your dental treatment. As anaesthetists are highly trained in the area of sedation and anaesthesia they can deliver continuous sedation using a wide range of sedative agents to ensure you are optimally sedated and comfortable throughout your procedure.

Our anaesthetists are present throughout your treatment, and are constantly monitoring your vital signs, such as levels of oxygen (oxygen saturation), blood pressure and heart tracing (ECG) to ensure your safety at all times.
This is an extremely safe procedure as it is in a hospital environment.

We offer I.V Sedation at an affordable price and if you feel it will help you relax during dental treatment then contact us today to discuss.

You will need to be accompanied to and from appointments with sedation and will not be allowed to drive or handle machinery for the duration of that day.

It is advised to attend the dentist every 6 months. Do not let your dental phobia turn you off having a healthy mouth. There is always a solution, contact us today to discuss all options with one of our dentists.

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